Displaying Art Pieces for your Home

Top Tips in Displaying Art Pieces for your Home

Who doesn’t like art? We all appreciate the beauty of a nice piece of artwork. Whether that artistic piece comes in the form of an antique, a painting, sketches, photography, or sculpture, the reality is that we are all fond of art. For some people, this fondness urges them to acquire different art pieces and put it in their personal collection.

When an eye-catching piece of art catches your fancy, you will want to invest in it. This investment will typically go beyond financial means. After the initial purchase, you will invest time and energy in displaying your beloved piece and making sure it maintains its aesthetics. If you’re a novice collector, you might have some difficulty figuring out the best way to display art pieces in your home. The good news is that there are many resources that can help guide you with the basics. Here’s a rundown to get you started:

Be mindful of large art pieces

Before devising a plan for the design of your home, create a list of the art pieces that you have on hand. Consider the large and prominent art pieces in your collection as this will help you find the right theme for your home – and pull it off.

In most cases, large art pieces are already considered as your staples. So if you want to display these where they will be most appreciated, it is best to prioritize displaying these pieces of art where more people could view it.

Explore the wonders of lighting

 wonders of lightingBelieve it or not, lighting can make or break your art displays. When decorating your home with a handful of art pieces on hand, it is wise to display each art piece based on classification. For example, you would want to display an oil painting where there is natural light, but you wouldn’t want to exhibit photography art pieces n the same kind of lighting. The latter would be more appreciated when displayed at a darker spot.

Seeing as there are necessary shifts in lighting based on the type of art you want to display, you would need flexible lighting to accommodate the necessary changes. To that end, you may use shutterboxes to alter the light and consequently, to frame your art creatively.

Aim for contrast

Contrast matters where artistic home designs are concerned. This means you should not put two identical elements together. A case in point is the color palette of your walls and the dominant color of your art piece. If you would put together these two elements, your art piece will not be as noticeable as it would have been if you place the art piece against a contrasting color.

Make good use of transitional spaces

Transitional spaces such as hallways are not meant to be bare. Use such spaces to display some of your art pieces. However, this does not mean you could choose any art piece at random. Hanging art are good options, so keep your hanging art collection in mind when putting up art pieces in your hallways.

Learn to measure

learn to measureThere is more to hanging your art pieces than meets the eye. If in doubt, you might want to measure how high you should hang your art piece. The general rule is to keep the center of your art piece below 60 inches from the floor. But in case your piece of art is too tall to hang on a centerline, positioning it to around 15 inches from the floor will work as well.

Group your art pieces

Do mixing and matching work? To some extent, maybe. But when it comes to your art pieces, grouping art pieces us the rule of thumb. Simply put, you will need to put together vintage or traditional art pieces and set them apart with your contemporary art collection.

Since we’re on the topic of grouping art pieces, keep in mind that art pieces on canvas should not be placed too close to each other. Otherwise, they will not be the focus of the line of sight – they will hardly be noticeable.

Consider the color palettes used in that space

While we do not recommend changing the color palette of your walls to match the dominant color of your art piece, great consideration should still be put into the color motif of the space you are designing. Remember that colors affect mood, so when designing your room, choose colors that have a positive effect on people. Then choose an art piece to use as an accent for that space, preferably, an art piece that can create a good contrast with the color and pattern of the walls.

Move your art pieces

When it comes to displaying your art pieces, it is important to bear in mind that it is perfectly fine to move things around. This could add variety and change the mood and the theme of the space you are designing. More than anything else, this also works quite well if you acquire a new art piece and would like to find the most strategic spot to display it.

Strike a balance

Strike a balanceWhen you have too many art pieces on hand, it might be difficult to decide which ones go where. This could potentially lead to an overwhelming design for your living space where too many art pieces or too many elements are brought together. To bring back some semblance of harmony and balance, you might want to remove some art pieces to make the space less overwhelming. Changing the color of your walls to white – or to a more neutral shade, at the very least – should also work its magic.

Use the right frames

The right frame could make your art piece more striking and prominent. If you want to achieve this kind of effect, finding the right frame is a good tip as any. Simply choose thick and dramatic frames that will look good on your art piece and you’ll be all set!

Do not be afraid to use your artistic streak and display your collection in your own living space. After all, your art pieces deserve a space in your home.


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