Why Is Photography Important?

  • Images serve as a timeless archive for cherished memories and life experiences, a universal language that captures moments.
  • The purpose of photography is to offer a window into the past, taking you back to historical events and past societies.
  • It knows no linguistic barriers; photography employs images to transmit ideas and emotions.
  • Photography can break down barriers between individuals, enabling us to communicate, connect, and foster empathy.

The appearance of phone cameras made photography mainstream. There’s no longer a need to purchase chunky, costly cameras to take photos and freeze moments in time. You simply pull out your phone, snap a photo, and share it on your digital feed for everyone to see.

Why is photography important? Besides everyday use, photography has helped humanity document key historical events, research findings, space discoveries, and more.

Let’s dive into the world of photography, its role in various sectors, and its evolution over time.

What Is Photography?

Photography is the art and practice of capturing moments in time using a camera. It’s a way to preserve a fond memory and have it as a keepsake.

It all started with the camera obscura, a type of projector that displayed images on surfaces. Still, people couldn’t actually keep the said images. Finally, Niépce took the oldest surviving photograph in 1826 exposing a pewter plate coated with bitumen to light. That’s when the first-ever permanent photo was taken.

Today, the types of cameras are diverse enough to accommodate all photographers. We have instant cameras, action cameras, point-and-shoot cameras, full-frame DSLRs, etc. We’ll create even more amazing images in the future by utilizing smart technology and virtual reality to preserve memories and tell stories.

Know the Purpose Of Photography

Photography doesn’t only serve to capture fond memories—it’s a way to document history, preserve historical facts, and prevent misinformation. It’s also a way to capture iconic moments in history and convey emotions that can’t be expressed with words. Every event captured in a photograph becomes a treasure passed down through the generations.

There isn’t only one purpose of photography—let’s explore 10 more.

Why Photography Is Important: Know The 10 Reasons

woman taking photos of her foods

What’s really in the core of photography? There are many photography articles, but we’ll give you 10 reasons why photography is important below:

  • Preservation of Memories: Photographs capture every moment, saving memories to be cherished for coming generations.
  • Historical Documentation: Important moments in the history of humanity have been documented with photographs. War, truce, peace, amazing achievements – it’s all documented for posterity. Photos are our historians, telling us the stories of the past and taking us back even in times when we were not born yet.
  • Communication: Photos can “speak” every language and deliver messages better than words.
  • Artistic Expression: Photography is a canvas where creativity blossoms, adding new dimensions to visual arts.
  • Social Media Influence: All social media today are defined by pictures, shaping how we express ourselves and our world.
  • Journalism and Storytelling: Every story and word is recorded with photography. Photos ensure news isn’t fabricated and easily accessible to the masses.
  • Advertising and Marketing: Photography is at the core of every marketing campaign, influencing potential buyers’ opinions.
  • Scientific Discovery: It’s a tool of exploration, unraveling mysteries on a cosmic level.
  • Cultural Preservation: Photography safeguards traditions and practices, keeping alive the cultural legacies.
  • Personal Development: By enhancing observation and creativity, photography nurtures personal growth.

The Role of Photography in Different Sectors

The area of “work” of photography is not limited to just one; it has its special place in various sectors:

Fashion And E-Commerce Trends

Photography is an essential tool for the growth and sales of businesses in the digital ecosystem. But why is photography important for sales?

When purchasing anything on the internet, we mainly rely on eye-catching images to get the gist of the product. Shopify found that photos of products greatly impacted consumers’ buying choices, making visuals a priority in fashion and other e-commerce industries.

News Reporting And Photojournalism

Photography is also a powerful tool for truth-telling by capturing the realities of the world. Photographs evoke empathy, promote togetherness, and strive for social change.

Several moments in history have been captured thanks to cameras, including the killing of George Floyd or the photo of the green-eyed Afghan girl, that demonstrate how photos in journalism impact public opinion.

Tourism And Travel

travel photography

Tourists taking photos of monuments and scenery is the best way to attract tourists for the upcoming holiday season. Today, people rarely go on holiday without taking pictures as they visit museums, aquariums, and historical landmarks.


Photography is at the heart of advertising. Marketing mostly relies on photos and visuals to define brand identities and generate emotions. People who are photographers agree that compelling visuals have the power to communicate ideas, tell a story, and leave an impact. Advertising campaigns and photo articles for promotion that use photography well can enhance brand memory and engagement.

Scientific Research and Documentation

Thanks to photography, scientists can capture new findings ranging from plant species to space discoveries. That is also why we were able to document the moon landing.

The Evolution of Photography

The importance of photography lies in its ability to change many areas of life. From the era of film cameras to today’s digital sensors, let’s see the evolution of photography in the form of a timeline:

  • 1826: The first ever permanent photograph was taken in 1826 by Nicéphore Niépce, who also invented photography. This is the “birth year” of photography.
  • 1839: Louis Daguerre introduces the faster exposure durations used in the daguerreotype process, making photography more widely available.
  • 1888: George Eastman popularized photography this year by introducing Kodak’s Camera, which came preloaded with film.
  • 1920s: Roll film and Leica were popular when photography was reinterpreted, influencing journalism and street photography.
  • 1935: The Kine Exakta is the first single-lens reflex camera made for professional use.
  • 1947: Edwin Land’s Polaroid Land Camera captures instant images that self-develop.
  • 1975: The first digital camera was invented, starting the digital photography era.
  • 2000s: The emergence of smartphones in the 2000s made a huge expansion of photography with built-in cameras.
  • Today: Empowered by the advancement of digital technologies and social media, we are witnessing a period where old cameras are experiencing a revival.

The way photography works changes rapidly, from photography paper backdrop to virtually edited pictures. This has made the art of photography more accessible to people from all backgrounds.

Photography as a Means of Connection

family photos

Why are photographs important? Photography is a bridge that connects people, crossing geographical and cultural barriers. Today, when a loved one moves abroad, photography allows us to communicate with them and see through their “lens.”

We can remain connected and feel closer despite the physical distance—that’s why photography is important.

Ethical Considerations in Photography

Since photography is a way of expression, some ethical concerns may arise. In the digital world, the reality shown in photos can be distorted by editing, and the passion for photography may affect someone’s privacy.

For example, in street photography, there is a need for a balance between artistic expression and moral responsibility. Although a photographer would mainly do his work in public, there are also some legal considerations in some countries where street photography and personal privacy are regulated.

Photographers need to understand local laws, be aware of cultural sensitivity, and be dedicated to accurately representing reality.


Why is photography important? Since the invention of cameras, photography has been able to accurately capture and present historical facts, monumental moments, and new discoveries. Besides its practical purpose, photography also serves as a way to connect with other people and cultures, stay in touch with loved ones, and capture the most significant moments in our lives.

It’s an art that never truly ends, reminding us that infinitely more stories are hidden behind every picture, just waiting to be discovered.

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