drinks for the small event

A Small Event During the Pandemic Can Be Beautiful

Large gatherings are not allowed during the pandemic. People must avoid crowds. This is to prevent further spreading of the Covid-19 virus. There were big gatherings called “super spreaders” that infected many. These included people who were not in the event but got in contact with an attendee.

If you had scheduled your wedding for 2021 or are turning 18 this year, does this mean you have to scrap all your plans for celebration? No, you do not have to unless there is a lockdown. You must compromise, though, to comply with current regulations. Check with your local authorities to be well-informed about applicable policies and guidelines.

Everyone and Everything by the Book

Everyone involved in the event must follow pandemic protocols to the letter. This covers guests and service providers alike.

Do your prior consultations with service providers online to cut down face-to-face interaction. Establish how they can do their job with social distancing.

Fittings for custom-made outfits are risks. These increase your exposure to people. If possible, buy your outfits online. Choose sources that provide measurements for each item. Women can avoid buying ill-fitting clothes online by choosing loose and flowing styles. These look good for dressy events and even for a bridal gown.

Inform guests beforehand that they must wear masks and observe social distancing. They must keep a distance of at least one meter away from the next person. Advise them to avoid talking to one another during the meal when masks are off. Ask them not to attend if they are not feeling well.

Making It Small and Intimate

Instead of having a grand event, you must plan a small one. Limit the number of people to the maximum allowed in a gathering in your area. This already includes you, your immediate family, and guests.

For a wedding, the number includes your entourage. Most people tap their immediate family members and closest friends to be their entourage. These are the same people who already make up the list of attendees.

A small and intimate gathering is sometimes more meaningful than a large one. As long as you have your immediate family and closest friends with you, it will be memorable.

You must include your photographer and videographer in your count. Ensure that you document this most important occasion in the best way possible. Get the services of a commercial photographer and videographer. You are lucky if you have them in your family or among your friends. Do not risk having an amateur video and bad photographs of your affair.

People will understand if they are not included in your guest list. You can still share the event with them through a live online feed. If this is difficult to arrange, you can post your edited video online later.

Celebrating Outdoors

Choose an outdoor location with enough space for social distancing. Prepare for unpredictable weather. Provide shelter by setting up a large tent with open sides.

For a church wedding, choose a well-ventilated one with many open doors on all sides. Turn on all electric fans. Avoid closed, air-conditioned spaces.

small event

Setting Up the Scene

You can still have a beautiful staging for your small gathering. Arrange for your organizer to set up the decorations before you and your guests arrive at the location. This way, you do not need to include the organizer in your guest list.

Plan the seating arrangement. Your organizer must mark the designated seats. Mark the floor as well to ensure that people stay one meter apart.

Provide stations with hand sanitizers. You can also have large decorative containers of these on each table. Another idea is to provide individual hand sanitizers for every attendee.

Since your event organizer will not be around during the actual affair, ask for a checklist of things to do. Assign family members or friends to take care of these. One of their tasks must be to remind guests at the start of the event to observe all pandemic protocols.

For a church wedding with a reception, do all these in both locations.

Light in Dark Times

You do not have to postpone your wedding or forego your debut in the pandemic. There are many restrictions, but a celebration is not prohibited if there is no lockdown.

Your small gathering will still be meaningful and memorable. You can take steps to make it beautiful, as well.

In this time of crisis, we all need something to lift our spirits. Well-managed events will certainly bring joy to these challenging days.

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