Barcode label on the product

Protective Finishing Options for Barcode Labels

Although small, a barcode label is one of the most critical elements of your product. Most manufacturers, unfortunately, disregard the label and focus their efforts on other design elements which they deem more important.

The right product label is however not only a legal requirement but also conveys all the information you want to communicate to your consumers. The product, however, passes through various stages before reaching end users.

To guarantee the information reaches your client without any distortion, T & D Print notes that protecting your label is essential. This makes a good finishing for the label you get from barcode label manufacturers essential.

The right finish will also protect the design you painstakingly labour to get for your product. Here are your label’s protective finishing alternatives.

UV Coating

This is an ideal choice for products that will be stored outdoors for prolonged periods. The coating is a special kind of varnish, which is cured during printing through exposure to UV light.

Although costly, UV label coating lasts for a long time and has a super glossy appearance. If you are aiming to make the designs of your barcode label pop, you can opt for a UV spot coating.


This is a clear liquid coating available in different tints which is cheaper compared to UV coating and lamination. The varnish can be applied to specific parts of your label or cover the entire label surface.

Application of varnish on particular parts of a label is known as a spot coating and generates an interesting visual effect. Gloss, matte, soft touch, braille, and thermally printable varnishes are some of the common varnish types for finishing product labels.


Employees scanning barcode

For those looking for a thick protection layer for their labels, laminates are the ideal choice. A laminate is a film-like material which works best for labels exposed to moisture, abrasion, and sunlight.

There are different types of laminates in various tints, but matte, gloss, and UV outdoor gloss laminates are the common ones. Polyester, polypropylene, nylon, and polyester are some of the laminate material options.

Aqueous Coating

This is an excellent protective option if you are aiming to protect your label from blemishes and fingerprints. Aqueous coatings closely resemble varnish coatings, but they are shinier, smoother, more eco-friendly and have a higher rub and abrasion resistance than the latter.

The coatings also dry more quickly than varnish coatings and are less likely than the latter to yellow making them ideal for labels with a lot of white space. Aqueous label coatings are available in dull and gloss finishes.

Some businesses overlook protective label finishes due to aesthetic or budget concerns. They assume the protective coatings are expensive and will dull the appearance of their product’s labels. Protective coatings are however inexpensive and will not negatively impact your label’s appearance.

In fact, some of the coatings boost the label’s aesthetic appeal. Lack of a protective coating for your label results in a rough label texture and a lack of sheen. A protective coating is hence an essential part of your product’s label.

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